Empowerment Stories

  • The CAP program has pertinent that can be used throughout life.

    Following a staff workshop, a teacher followed us out and told us that her college-age daughter had the CAP program throughout her time in school. She is currently a freshman in college where a professor attempted sexual assault. Her daughter told her that she remembered the things she had learned in CAP and that helped her stop this assault.

  • A parent expresses the importance of CAP and her gratitude to the district for bringing the program to her child's school.

    After an adult workshop, the facilitator was approached by a parent who stated that she had been abused at an early age and wished she knew about being safe, strong, and free and the power of saying NO when she was young and in school. She applauded the district for bringing the CAP program into her child’s school.

  • A parents letter to a school administrator.

    Hi Dr. *******,
    I just wanted to reach out to say thank you for the opportunity to learn tonight about the program and what the kids will be taught. The message and how it’s delivered is such a smart program and it was a good opportunity for us as parents to help reinforce what will be taught too.

    Thank you for organizing this and continuing to help keep our kids safe!


  • Teen CAP helps empower a brave student.

    After day two of the Teen CAP program, a 7th-grade girl had a breakdown in the hallway and cried. She was taken to guidance by a teacher who noticed her being so upset. In the guidance office she spoke to the school’s guidance counselor and disclosed she was sexually assaulted by her uncle. At that time police were notified. She was empowered to tell an adult because she said she learned it was not her fault. Her family knew this happened but blames her for this horrible act. She now learned it is never the victim’s fault.

  • An attending teacher expresses the power and importance of the information taught during CAP workshops.

    After an Early Childhood workshop, a teacher came to talk to one of the presenters and said: “Back in my country I had been molested by my neighbor who was also a family friend. I was only 5 years old. This information you taught my students today was so powerful. They were able to remember what you taught them each day. I have a daughter and I am eager to go home and teach her what I learned today and how important it is to teach them about their body and for them to know it is OK to tell someone ‘No’ when they feel uncomfortable.”

  • An 8th grade boy uses his CAP knowledge to help a student in another school.

    After an 8th-grade Teen CAP workshop, a boy disclosed that he has a girlfriend in 8th grade who attends another school in the district. He stated that when his girlfriend was younger in elementary school she was raped by a family member. She is still upset about it and feels it is her fault. He told her none of it was your fault. He said he heard the CAP facilitator say it was never the person’s fault and asked if CAP could help her. After finding out the name of the school this girl attends, the CAP facilitator contacted the RAFT (Resources Aligned for Teens) Coordinator and told them of the situation.